Standard-BankIn the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED, Plaintiff, and DHIREN BAGELOO,
1st Defendant, and RUNGILLA BAGELOO, 2nd Defendant
A sale in execution of the undermentioned property is to be held by the Sheriff Halfway House, at 614 James Crescent,
Halfway House, on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 11h00.
Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the Sheriff Halfway House/Alexandra, 614 James Crescent, Halfway House, and
will be read out prior to the sale taking place.
No warranties are given with regard to the description, extent and/or improvements of the property.
1. A unit consisting of:
(a) Section No. 6, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS240/1996, the scheme known as The
Crescent, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Portion 39 of Erf 243, Halfway Gardens Ext 1, Local
Authority: City of Johannesburg, of which section the floor area according to the said sectional plan is 130 (one hundred and
thirty) square metres in extent; and
(b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the
participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held under Deed of Transfer ST2039/2010.
2. An exclusive use area described as Garage G5, measuring 17 (seventeen) square metres, being such part of the
common property comprising the land and the scheme known as The Crescent, in respect of the land and building or buildings
situated at Portion 39 of Erf 243, Halfway Gardens Ext 1, Local Authority: City of Johannesburg, as shown and more fully
described on Sectional Plan No. SS250/1996, held by Notarial Deed of Cession No. SK6053/2004 S, also known as Pacific
Gardens, Unit B5 (Section 6), The Crescent, Smit Street, Halfway Gardens.
Improvements: A Sectional Title Unit with: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, dining-room and a garage.
Zoned: Residential.
Findlay & Niemeyer Incorporated, Attorneys for Plaintiff, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 342-9164 (Ref: Mr M Coetzee/


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