Month: September 2020

What you need to know about debt counselling in South Africa

Many consumers are feeling the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on their jobs and income, with some falling behind on their financial obligations. The National Credit Regulator (NCR) has advised, however, that financial distress can be carefully navigated by debt counselling.

Despite life progressively returning to normal as lockdown levels are eased and economic sectors return to productivity, many consumers are facing the bleak prospect of being blacklisted.

Many South African households are in significant financial hardship and others have been struggling to make ends meet even before the Covid-19 pandemic, said Advocate Kedilatile Legodi, NCR acting manager for education and communication…..

What you need to know about debt counselling in South Africa

Two faces of South Africa’s corruption battle

Is South Africa turning a corner in its battle against corruption?

Two powerful images emerged this week, offering starkly contradictory perspectives on the country’s long and tortuous struggle against high-level graft and its attempts to repair a broken judicial system.

The first picture was of a bright red Ferrari (an FF F151, if you must know) being confiscated by officials from South Africa’s Asset Forfeiture Unit, along with a Bentley convertible, two staggeringly opulent villas and others items worth a total of 300m rand ($18.2m; £14m).

Ever since former President Jacob Zuma was pushed out of office, in disgrace, two years ago, and his successor promised to wage war against the “state capture” – the grand corruption that flourished so spectacularly during the Zuma era, the public has been waiting, with growing impatience, to see prominent figures arrested and to see a culture of high-level impunity brought to an abrupt end…..

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