In the matter between: ABSA BANK LTD, Plaintiff, and SAMEEHA FAYE STAPELFELDT, ID No. 7603200148082,
In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve
will be held by the Sheriff of the High Court, Johannesburg West, on 26th day of June 2014 at 12h00 at the Sheriff of the High
Court, Johannesburg West, 31 Henley Avenue, Auckland Park, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant, subject to the
conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Johannesburg West,
31 Henley Avenue, Auckland Park.
Portion 16 of Erf 1235, Claremont Township, Registration Division IQ, Gauteng Province, measuring 497 (four nine seven)
square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T70919/2005, subject to the conditions therein contained.
Any prospective purchaser must register, in accordance with the following conditions amongst others:
(a) The provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
(b) The provisions of FICA—legislation (requirement proof of ID, residential address).
(c) Payment of a registration fee of R10 000,00 in cash for immovable property.
(d) All conditions applicable to registration.
Street address: 85 Hill Street, Claremont, Johannesburg.
The following information is furnished with regard to improvements on the property, although nothing in this respect is
guaranteed: House consisting of lounge, dining-room, study room, kitchen, 1 bathroom, 3 x bedrooms, 2 garages, 1 servant
Dated at Pretoria on this the 15th day of May 2013.
(Sgd) C. van Wyk, Hack Stupel & Ross, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 2nd Floor, Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square,
Pretoria. Tel: (012) 325-4185/9. C. van Wyk/Caroline/DA2454.


In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Plaintiff, and DUDLEY ROBERT BODDINGTON, ID No. 6212115105087,
In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), in the above action, a sale as a
unit without a reserve price will be held by the Sheriff, Boksburg, at 182 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg, on 20 June 2014 at
11h15, of the under-mentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale,
which conditions will lie for inspection prior to the sale at the offices of the Sheriff, Boksburg, at 182 Leeuwpoort Street,
Being: A unit consisting of:
(a) Section No. 18, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS133/1987, in the scheme known as
Lakeview Mansions, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Boksburg Township, Local Authority: Ekurhuleni
Metropolitan Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 92 (ninety-two) square metres
in extent; and
(b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the
participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by Deed of Transfer No. ST52047/07, specially executable.
Physical address: 18 Lakeview Mansions, Market Street, Boksburg.
The following information is furnished regarding the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling
consisting of (not guaranteed): Lounge, dining-room, kitchen, 2 x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom and 1 garage.
In terms of Regulation 32 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s record
with the Sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial
Intelligence Centre Act, 38 of 2001.
Dated at Pretoria this 16th day of May 2014.
Delport Van den Berg Inc., Attorneys for Plaintiff, Summit Place Office Park, Building 2, 221 Garsfontein Road, Menlyn,
Pretoria, with temporary entrance at 220 Thys Street, De Beers, Pretoria. GPS Coordinates: 25°47’12.60”S; 28°16’17.66”E.)
Tel: (012) 361-5001. Fax: (012) 361-6311. Ref: Eddie du Toit/BF/AHL0786.


In die saak tussen: ABSA BANK BEPERK, Eiser, en EZRY TAUOATSOALA, ID: 7209105405088, 1ste Verweerder, en
THEMBI JOAN TAUOATSOLA, ID: 7508010578081, 2de Verweerder
Ten uitvoerlegging van ’n vonnis in bogemelde Agbare Hof gedateer 16 Augustus 2012 en ’n lasbrief tot uitwinning, word
die volgende eiendom in eksekusie verkoop op Donderdag, 19 Junie 2014 om 11:00, by die kantore van die Balju
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria Suid-Wes te Azania Gebou, hv Iscorlaan & Iron Terrace, Wes-Park, aan die hoogste bieder:
(a) Eiendom bekend as:
Erf 3824, Atteridgeville Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling J.R., Gauteng Provinsie, groot 296 (twee nege ses) vierkante
meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport: T104085/2002 onderhewig aan die voorwaardes daarin vervat, ook bekend as
Tladistraat 22, Atteridgeville, Pretoria.
Verbeterings: Die verbeterings op die eiendom, ten aansien waarvan niks gewaarborg word nie, bestaan uit: Buitegeboue,
mure, lapa, sitkamer, kombuis, 1 badkamer, 2 slaapkamers.
Sonering: Woning.
1. Terme: Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees soos volg:
1.1 ’n Deposito van 10% (tien persent) van die koopprys sal onmiddellik betaalbaar wees in kontant of bankgewaarborgde
tjek by verkoping daarvan; en
1.2 die balans betaalbaar binne 21 (een en twintig) dae by wyse van ’n goedgekeurde bankwaarborg.
2. Voorwaardes: Die volle voorwaardes van verkoping wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping uitgelees sal word, lê ter insae
by die kantoor van die Balju Hooggeregshof, Pretoria Suid-Wes, te Azania Gebou, hv Iscorlaan & Iron Terrace, Wes-Park.
3. Neem verder kennis dat:
Reëls van hierdie veiling is beskikbaar 24 uur voor die veiling by die kantoor van die Balju, Pretoria Suid-Wes.
Registrasie as koper, onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes, word vereis i.e.:
(a) Inligting van die Verbruikers Beskerming Wet 68 van 2008
(URL id=99961).
(b) Fica-wetgewing in verband met identiteit en adres besonderhede.
(c) Betaling van registrasiegelde.
(d) Registrasievoorwaardes.
Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 2de dag van Mei 2014.
(Get) A Hamman, Snyman De Jager Ingelyf, 6de Vloer, Bureau Forum Gebou, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, Gauteng; Posbus 565,
Pretoria, 0001; Docex 7, Pretoria, Gauteng. Tel: (012) 326-1250/Faks: 326-6335. (Verw: Mnr. A. Hamman/R van Zyl/F0004226.)
Aan: Die Balju van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria Suid-Wes.


In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Plaintiff, and KEVIN MALCOLM VERNON SASSMAN, 1st Defendant,
and GERALDINE SASSMAN, 2nd Defendant
In pursuance of a judgment granted by this Honourable Court on 9 November 2012 and 3 May 2013, and a warrant of
execution issued thereafter, the undermentioned immovable property will be sold in execution without reserve by the Sheriff of
the High Court, Johannesburg East, at the Sheriff’s Office, 69 Juta Street, Braamfontein, on 26th June 2014 at 10h00, to the
highest bidder.
Full Conditions of Sale can be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Johannesburg East, 69 Juta Street,
Braamfontein, the Sheriff who will be holding the sale, and will also be read out by the Sheriff, prior to the sale in execution.
The Execution Creditor, Sheriff and/or Plaintiff’s Attorneys do not give any warranties with regard to the description and/or
Portion 8 of Erf 8166, Kensington Extension 11 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 753
(seven hundred and fifty-three) square metres in extent and held by Deed of Transfer No. T71738/2002, subject to the
conditions therein and especially to the Reservation of Mineral Rights (also known as: 8 Highwoods Street, Sovereign Park
Estate, 27 Smith Street, Kensington Extension 11, Gauteng).
Improvements: (Not guaranteed): Entrance hall, lounge, dining-room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate toilet,
2 garages, 2 carports, outside toilet.
Velile Tinto & Associates, Tinto House, Cnr. Solomon Mahlangu (previously Hans Strijdom) & Disselboom Streets,
Wapadrand; Docex 178, Pretoria; P.O. Box 733, Wapadrand, 0050. Tel No: (012) 807-3366. Fax No: (012) 807-5299.
(Ref: U16383/DBS/D Maduma/L Els/BS).


In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Plaintiff, and MELANIE HETTIE FOUCHE (ID No: 7906260001087),
Pursuant to judgment Orders granted by this Honourable Court on 29 June 2012 and 3 March 2014 respectively, and a
warrant of execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the Sheriff of the High Court, Krugersdorp on
Wednesday, the 28th day of May 2014 at 10h00, at Old ABSA Building, c/o Human & Kruger Streets, Krugersdorp, Gauteng
Province, to the highest bidder without a reserve price:
Erf 2231, Rangeview Extension 4 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Gauteng Province.
Streets address: 47 Leadwood Street, Rangeview Ext 4, Gauteng Province, measuring 1 203 (one thousand two hundred
and three) square metres, and held by Defendant in terms of Deed of Transfer No. T24845/2004.
Improvements are:
Dwelling: Entrance hall, lounge, dining-room, family room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, scullery, laundry, 2 garages,
1 carport, 1 servant room, 1 bath/shower/toilet.
No warranties regarding description, extent or improvements are given.
The conditions of sale to be read out by the Sheriff of the High Court, at the time of the sale and will be available for
inspection at the offices of the Sheriff, Krugersdorp, Old ABSA Building, c/o Human & Kruger Streets, Krugersdorp, Gauteng
Dated at Pretoria on this the 16th day of April 2014.
Van Zyl Le Roux Inc, Monument Office Park, 71 Steenbok Avenue, First Floor, Block 3, Monument Park, Pretoria; P.O. Box
974, Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 435-9444. Fax: (012) 435-9555. (Ref: MAT43996/E Niemand/MN).


In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Plaintiff, and RAMATLADI SIMON PHETLA (ID No. 5908135769080),
1st Defendant, and MELIA MANKUTWANE PHETLA (ID No. 7203251099084), 2nd Defendant
Persuant to a judgment granted by this Honourable Court on 14 June 2013, and a warrant of execution, the undermentioned
property will be sold in execution by the Acting Sheriff of the High Court, Wonderboom, on Friday, the 23rd day of May
2014 at 11h00 at the offices of the Acting Sheriff, Wonderboom, cnr of Vos & Brodrick Avenue, The Orchards X3, Gauteng
Province, to the highest bidder without a reserve price:
Erf 5703, Mamelodi Township, Registration Division J.R., Gauteng Province.
Street address: Erf 5703 Section Q, Mamelodi West, Pretoria, Gauteng Province, measuring 301 (three hundred and one)
square metres and held by Defendants in terms of Deed of Transfer No. T13774/2008.
Improvements are: Dwelling: Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms.
No warranties regarding description, extent or improvements are given.
The conditions of sale to be read out by the Sheriff of the High Court at the time of the sale and will be available for
inspection at the offices of the Acting Sheriff, Wonderboom, cnr of Vos & Brodrick Avenue, The Orchards X3, Pretoria, Gauteng
Dated at Pretoria on this the 15th day of April 2014.
Van Zyl Le Roux Inc, Monument Office Park, 71 Steenbok Avenue, First Floor, Block 3, Monumentpark, Pretoria; PO
Box 974, Pretoria, 0001; Docex 97, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 435-9444. Fax: (012) 435-9555. (Ref: MAT30511/E Niemand/MN.)

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